Easily schedule operator shifts using a calendar-style format.
Handle different types of schedules with ease
Using a simple calendar-style format, you can quickly build out a schedule for different operator shifts. This lets WIN-911 know who is available in real-time when an alarm condition is met. Scheduling supports:
- Complex shift schedules
- Holiday schedules
- Floating holidays
- Schedules that roll over to the next day
Organize shifts any way you like
Labeling shifts gives you a dynamic way to organize your operators to match how your industrial operation works. For instance, you can assign ‘day’, ‘night,’ and ‘after hours’ shifts. When someone is not scheduled on a holiday, for instance, WIN-911 will skip them and move on to the next available operator on shift.
Import/Export ICS Calendars
If you have built your shift schedules in another program such as Outlook or Google, you can now import them into WIN-911 saving you the duplicate step of recreating shift schedules.
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