We empower users with operational intelligence to elevate performance
Our Promise
Elevate Your Operations
Connect to the leading automation systems

We provide clear insights for effective decision-making and action. SmartSights is the global leader in enlightening businesses with data driven analytics, reports and notification, enabling operations to confidently manage their critical infrastructure.
We partner with the world’s leading automation companies, leveraging partner ecosystems to deliver a complete solution for customers. Our use of open and proprietary methods enables WIN-911 to provide a secure, seamless user experience that eliminates duplicate configuration.
Our Values
Our core values are encapsulated in the S.M.A.R.T acronym: Serve, Maximize, Accountable, Resilient, and Trust.
This approach is integral to our purpose, reinforcing our dedication to empowering individuals, delivering innovative solutions, and building trusted partnerships.
SERVE: We prioritize service to our team, customers, and partners, creating an environment that values collective success as much as individual achievements.
MAXIMIZE: We strive to maximize potential, pushing boundaries and optimizing efficiency in our work and solutions.
ACCOUNTABLE: We uphold accountability, owning our actions and their outcomes, fostering trust and integrity in all relationships through transparency.
RESILIENT: We promise resilience, meeting deadlines, overcoming obstacles, and adapting to change to remain a reliable partner.
TRUST: We commit to honesty, transparency, and integrity, upholding the trust crucial to our relationships. We are a trusted and proven partner.
The first version TeleDAC – WIN-911 is Launched by Specter Instruments 1995 SyTech becomes Intellution, CAP (Cooperative Automation Partner), SyTech Introduces Report Manager, WIN-911 Added Unilinx to the EasyLinx Product 2000 SyTech Launches XLReporter – The Worlds Most Powerful Automated Reporting Solution, WIN-911 Version 6 released in response to Y2K 2001 SyTech selected by Rockwell Automation for Encompass Partner Program 2002 SyTech XLReporter wins Control Engineers Choice Award 2003 SyTech XLReporter V5.0 Released, WIN-911 TAPI and OPC support; Version 7.01 Released 2005 WIN-911 Premium Voice and Dynamic Text to Speech Support 2006 WIN-911 RSView SE Direct Connect 2007 SyTech XLReporter V8.0 Released, WIN-911 SMS Text Message Support 2008 SyTech XLReporter certified by Siemens for PCS 7, Mobile-911 V1 Windows Mobile and Blackberry, FactoryTalk View SE Alarms and Events Direct Connect, RSView32 Direct Connect 2009 SyTech Releases Automated Reporting for Rockwell FactoryTalk Historian Site Edition, WIN-911 – Wonderware ArchestrA Direct Connect 2012 SyTech XLReporter V10 Released, Mobile-911 V2 for WIN-911 V7 2013 Specter Instruments becomes WIN-911 Software, WIN-911 FactoryTalk View ME Support 2014 SyTech & Emerson Team up on Alarm Analytics, WIN-911 Enterprise Launched, WIN-911 EMEA office opens in France 2016 SyTech XLReporter V12 Released, WIN-911 #1 Among Fortune 500 for Alarm Notification, 10,000 Deployments 2017 XLReporter wins Engineers Choice Award, WIN-911 Product of the Year – Wonderware Part-ners, WIN-911 Standard Interactive Advanced Released, US Patent Office issues WIN-911 Software Patent 2018 SyTech ISA Batch 88 & ISA 18.2 Alarm Management Reports, WIN-911 Paris Hackathon Win (Schneider-Electric) 2019 SyTech signs Technology Agreement with Rockwell Automation, WIN-911 Mobile Launched 2020 XLReporter V14 wins Control Engineering Engineers Choice Award, WIN-911 Passing 18,000 Installations 2021 The CapStreet Group, LLC completes recapitalization of WIN-911 SyTech Releases XLReporter V14.1, WIN-911 2021 Major Release – New Architecture 2022 SyTech Accepted into Delta V Alliance Product Program as a Silver Member, WIN-911 awarded Rockwell Automation Technology Partner Innovation Award 2023 SyTech Releases XLReporter V15, WIN-911 Surpassed 20,000+ installations in over 85 countries.
Our Story
From our humble beginnings dating back to 1984, WIN-911 has been at the forefront of providing alarm notification software while keeping up with technological trends. From our Legacy Version 7 to the latest, more robust, WIN-911 2021, we currently have over 19,000 installations in 85 countries. A culture of problem solving is how we are able to cater to 90% of fortune 50 companies and why our award-winning product is the world’s most widely used alarm notification software.
SmartSights, built on a culture of problem-solving and innovation, stands as a testament to our commitment to lead in data-driven analytics and notifications. As we evolve alongside the changing landscape of automation systems, we’ll continue to equip our customers and partners with the insights they need to thrive. Our mission: to be at the forefront of technology, elevating operational performance, one insight at a time.”

—Greg Jackson
COO, SmartSights
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