SMS Text Notifications for WIN-911 Standard, Interactive, Advanced
With alarm notifications through SMS, you get secure, detailed messages sent directly to your mobile device. Now you can go where you need to, when you want, without worrying about missing an alarm.
Cellular Modems
A cellular modem is required to send SMS text messages with WIN-911. SMS notifications support alarm acknowledgments, real-time alarm requests, and report requests. The user is responsible for activating the modem with a cellular service provider. An unlimited SMS messaging plan is recommended.
- Ethernet/IP cellular modems are recommended for WIN-911 Standard, Interactive, Advanced. Ethernet/IP cellular modems are required for installations in virtual environments.
- Sierra Wireless AirLink RV50X supports North American carriers: Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile USA, Southern Linc, Sprint, US Cellular, Rogers, Telus, Bell. Australian carrier: Telstra. Language Support: English Only. Includes AT&T and Verizon SIM cards when purchased from WIN-911. SIM card activation required.
- Sierra Wireless AirLink LX40X only supports U.S. carriers: Verizon and AT&T Language Support: English Only. Includes AT&T and Verizon SIM cards when purchased from WIN-911. SIM card activation required.
- MultiTech MTR-MNG2-B07-WW for all non-US carriers. Supported by most GSM carriers worldwide. SIM card activation required.
Recommend Cellular Modems
Sierra Wireless: AirLink RV55 (1104302)
WIN-911 Part Number:
Sierra Wireless: AirLink RV50X (1103052)
WIN-911 Part Number:
MultiConnect rCell 100 Series: MTR-MNG2-B07-WW
WIN-911 Part Number:
Sierra Wireless: AirLink LX40 LTE (1104579)
WIN-911 Part Number: